Peer-Reviewed Publications
Billings, Katie R. and Kathryne M. Young. (2022). “How cultural capital shapes mental health care seeking in college.” Sociological Perspectives, 65(4) 637–60.
Statz, Michele, Katie R. Billings, and Jordan Wolf (2021). “Rurality as concordance: Mental health service delivery for rural survivors of intimate partner violence.” Sociological Perspectives, 65(3) 485–505.
Billings, Katie R., David A. Cort, Tannuja D. Rozario, and Derek P. Siegel (2020). “Stigma beliefs in context: Country and regional variation in the effects of instrumental stigma beliefs on protective sexual behaviors in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Southern Africa.” Social Science & Medicine, 269(2021) 113565.
Billings, Katie R. (2020). "Stigma in class: mental illness, social class, and tokenism in elite college culture.” Sociological Perspectives, 64(2) 238–57.
Young, Kathryne M. and Katie R. Billings (2020). “Cultural capital and legal consciousness.” Law & Society Review, 54(1) 33–65.
- Featured in JOTWELL; The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), June 2020, Prof. Elizabeth Chambliss.
- Awarded Wiley's Top-Cited Article in 2020.
Peer-Reviewed R&Rs
Billings, Katie R. "Can suicide narratives save lives?: First-hand suicide survival, meaning-making, and suicide prevention." [R&R at the Journal of Health and Social Behavior]
Additional Publications
Young, Kathryne M. and Katie R. Billings. 2023. "An intersectional examination of U.S. civil justice problems." Utah Law Review, 2023(3).
- Featured in JOTWELL; The Journal of Things We Like (Lots), July 2023, Prof. Seth Endo.
Billings, Katie R. "Mental illness and culture." [Forthcoming] Invited chapter in Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society.
Billings, Katie R. 2018. “Book review: ‘Navigating conflict: how youth handle trouble in a high-poverty school,’ by Calvin Morrill and Michael Musheno.” Law & Society Review, 52(2), 551–4.
Working Papers
Under Review
Billings, Katie R. “A survivor-centered definition of suicidality.” [Under Review]
Billings, Katie R. “Does status predict suicide? Subjective and objective social status predicting suicidality in the United States.” [Under review]
Billings, Katie R. Surviving Suicide. [Book prospectus]
Manuscripts in Progress
Billings, Katie R. "'I'm going to do something violent to express these horrible feelings': Suicidal masculinities and masculine overcompensation." [Working paper]
Billings, Katie R. and Kathryne M. Young. “Race, policing, and 'colorblind' legal standards.” [Working paper]
Pachucki, Mark and Katie R. Billings. “Social status in social networks: How various measures of social status predict signed tie formation in early adolescence.” [In preparation]